Driver Education


Rides, Groceries, Meals & More: Built Better For Older Adults And People With Disabilities.
Screened & monitored services from Uber, DoorDash, Instacart and more, with or without a smartphone, 24/7.

Free Road Training for Rural Cities

Do you work for a small rural city? Do you want to make your roadways safer for you and your neighbors? Do you lack specific transportation safety knowledge or money to buy training?

Get to know the National Center for Rural Road Safety.

This Federal Highway Administration national center of excellence exists to help local and rural practitioners learn the basics of transportation safety, free of charge to those municipalities. The goal is to help everyone know enough to make a difference and save lives in their communities.

GoGo Grandparent

Our mission is to make on-demand services accessible and reliable so we can thrive independently and confidently at home and in the community as we age. Available across the United States, Canada, and Australia.

Importance of Driving and Potential Impact of Driving Cessation for Rural and Urban Older Adults

Purpose Analyses compared older drivers from urban, suburban, and rural areas on perceived importance of continuing to drive and potential impact that driving cessation would have on what they want and need to do. Methods The AAA LongROAD Study is a prospective study of driving behaviors, patterns, and outcomes of older adults. A cohort of 2,990 women and men 65‐79 years of age was recruited during 2015‐2017 from health systems or primary care practices near 5 study sites in different parts of the United States.