Event Planning

Law enforcement officer addressing room of older individuals.

Community education is an important step in improving older road user safety so that older drivers and their family members/caregivers know what to look for when assessing driving safety, resources to improve safety, and how to plan to drive safely and drive longer.  This education and outreach can be incorporated into other community events hosted or attended by Law Enforcement, Community Centers, Retirement Communities, Clinicians, and others who focus on helping seniors be safe in the community. The ChORUS Community Event Planning Guide assists you with planning, promoting, and conducting Older Driver Safety Outreach in your Community.

This quick guide assists you with planning, promoting, and conducting Older Driver Safety Outreach in your Community.

Steps to follow include:

1. Planning

  • Setting goals – determining what you want to accomplish; what action do you want people to take?
  • Targeting audiences – determine your audience; who do you want to reach through this event
  • Identifying partners - considering who else should be involved; who might be good presenters? What other organizations can you partner with to help?
  • Determining Type of Event – What is the best way to engage?
  • Scheduling – when should the event occur? Is there any other event you can combine forces with or participate in to achieve your goal?
  • Finding Location – where should the event take place? Is it live or virtual?

2. Preparing

  • Creating programs – based on your plan.
  • Developing messages – forming what you want to say to your audience and deciding how often to give your messages
  • Identifying and recruiting presenters
  • Gathering program material (content and format)
  • Ensuring Accessibility
  • Planning Logistics
  • Publicizing the event
  • Developing a referral list of community resources

3. Conducting

  • Evaluating the event and outcomes
  • Conducting follow-up

For an in-depth look and additional ideas on how to promote Older Driver Safety in your Community, view the DriveWell Toolkit.