Office of Multimodal Planning
Tennessee's Department of Transportation website provides links and resources around bicycle and pedestrian safety.
Tennessee's Department of Transportation website provides links and resources around bicycle and pedestrian safety.
For every 100,000 licensed drivers over the age of 65 in Tennessee, 13.3% were involved in fatal crashes in 2021. To see more state-specific statistics, visit the NHTSA 2021 Traffic Safety Fact sheet.
The Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) is the public transportation provider for the Memphis area. As one of the largest public transit operators in the state of Tennessee, MATA transports customers in the City of Memphis and parts of Shelby County on fixed-route buses, paratransit vehicles and vintage rail trolleys.
Nashville MTA offers Nashville and surrounding counties transportation solutions.
TDOT is a multimodal agency with responsibilities in aviation, public transit, waterways, railroads and cycling and walking. The involvement ranges from airport improvements to funding transit buses to planning for river ports. The website ranges from the Commissioner's Office links to Regional Offices.
Tennessee’s Traffic Safety website offers information for senior drivers and links to senior driver public transportation throughout the state.