Non-Motor Vehicle Safety: ATV, Bike, Pedestrian, and Train
The Nebraskan Department of Transportation website provides links and resources around bicycle and pedestrian safety.
The Nebraskan Department of Transportation website provides links and resources around bicycle and pedestrian safety.
For every 100,000 licensed drivers over the age of 65 in Nebraska, 17.9% were involved in fatal crashes in 2021. To see more state specific statistics, visit the NHTSA 2021 Traffic Safety Fact sheet.
The bus service is primarily for the use of senior citizens and handicapped individuals. These people may have an able-bodied person accompany them at no cost. The Special Services Bus is an "on-demand" transportation service subsidized by the State of Nebraska for the elderly and handicapped residents of Papillion. Service area includes residents inside Papillion city limits and Papillion SID's contiguous to the city limits.
The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) is responsible for the planning, development, design, construction, maintenance and administration of the state highway system. The goals of the Department are to preserve the billions of dollars Nebraskans have invested in their state highway system, making the highways safe and efficient, and accomplishing this in a timely and cost-effective manner.