Pedestrian Safety in Montana
The Montana Department of Transportation website provides links and resources around bicycle and pedestrian safety.
The Montana Department of Transportation website provides links and resources around bicycle and pedestrian safety.
For every 100,000 licensed drivers over the age of 65 in Montana, 15% were involved in fatal crashes in 2021. To see more state-specific statistics, visit the NHTSA 2021 Traffic Safety Fact sheet.
Angel Line provides door to door transportation services to the residents of Park County who are: Senior citizens 60 and over, disabled individuals of all ages, and individuals or caregivers who are assisting Angel Line clients. Our vehicles can accommodate wheelchairs, walkers, and scooters. Angel Line transports people for a variety of purposes: medical appointments, recreation, shopping, work, etc. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday (except holidays) from 8:15 am to 4:15 pm.
Mountain Line’s fixed route service is 100% accessible for mobility devices. All of Mountain Line’s fixed route buses are lift or ramp equipped eliminating the need to climb stairs to board the bus. Operators are trained to assist in securing mobility devices, (wheelchairs and scooters), and are required to make stop announcements, helping to make using the fixed route bus service possible for many people with disabilities. People with disabilities who are able to use the fixed route bus service are encouraged to do so whenever possible.
The Montana Department of Transportation's site provides an overview of the department's responsibilities as well as specifics related to Montana's highway system, rail system, and air service.