Florida Statistics
For every 100,000 licensed drivers over the age of 65 in Florida, 14.1% were involved in fatal crashes in 2021. To see more state-specific statistics, visit the NHTSA 2021 Traffic Safety Fact sheet.
For every 100,000 licensed drivers over the age of 65 in Florida, 14.1% were involved in fatal crashes in 2021. To see more state-specific statistics, visit the NHTSA 2021 Traffic Safety Fact sheet.
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Law enforcement officials, who older adults trust, can help an aging driver steer clear of harm's way on the road. Law enforcement officials can also be helpful when it comes to interacting with stakeholders on the topic.
Walking is a popular physical activity for all ages that can also serve as a useful transportation option to help maintain mobility and independence.
What's new, what's happening, and what's to come in Tampa Bay public transportation.
Florida is home to one of the highest percentages of residents ages 65 and older in the USA, but very few of them have through ahead to a time when they will no longer be able to drive a vehicle safely.
f your state is looking to create a state resource page for Older Drivers, please use these as examples.
If your state is looking to create a state resource page for Older Drivers, please use these as examples.
Florida’s Driver Medical Referral Visor Card which mentions the observations and indicators and what to look for in a potential medical condition that affects safe driving.