Driver Medical Referral
Florida’s Driver Medical Referral Visor Card which mentions the observations and indicators and what to look for in a potential medical condition that affects safe driving.
Florida’s Driver Medical Referral Visor Card which mentions the observations and indicators and what to look for in a potential medical condition that affects safe driving.
A video of their process of referring Maryland drivers to the DMV.
Maryland’s Red Flag tool.
International Association of Chief of Police Alzheimer’s Initiative is a comprehensive toolkit for law enforcement.
The “Law Enforcement’s Role in Older Driver Safety,” is a two-hour POST certified training for CPT credit delivered by a team of health and law enforcement professionals.
The Training, Research, and Education for Driving Safety (TREDS) has several 30-minute training videos for Law Enforcement. This content is password protected if you don't have a password, contact for free access to the videos
Oregon's DMV resource for helping seniors stay safe and mobile
The Elder Law Answers’ website provides information for senior drivers and links to each state’s laws regarding restrictions and accelerated renewal periods.
The Denver Post published an article on aging drivers and their support for mandatory retesting to renew driver’s licenses. It also states that In Colorado, drivers over the age of 65 must renew their license by mail.
This article explains that contrary to popular belief, seniors actually want to see tougher rules in place for older drivers.