Driver Medical Referral
Florida’s Driver Medical Referral Visor Card which mentions the observations and indicators and what to look for in a potential medical condition that affects safe driving.
Florida’s Driver Medical Referral Visor Card which mentions the observations and indicators and what to look for in a potential medical condition that affects safe driving.
A video of their process of referring Maryland drivers to the DMV.
Maryland’s Red Flag tool.
Additional information showing how the DOSCI tool was developed and tested as a roadside screening tool can be found at the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health.
International Association of Chief of Police Alzheimer’s Initiative is a comprehensive toolkit for law enforcement.
The “Law Enforcement’s Role in Older Driver Safety,” is a two-hour POST certified training for CPT credit delivered by a team of health and law enforcement professionals.
The Training, Research, and Education for Driving Safety (TREDS) has several 30-minute training videos for Law Enforcement. This content is password protected if you don't have a password, contact for free access to the videos
This video provides law enforcement professionals with tips to help identify potential cognitive impairment and actions to take when there is a concern.
IACP video on the 3 stages of Alzheimer’s Disease that Law Enforcement might observe during a traffic stop.
Florida video on types of situations law enforcement may encounter with older drivers, what to do, and how to make a referral.