Law Enforcement: Cite and Refer Medically Impaired Drivers
NHTSA provides informational videos about citing and referring medically impaired drivers.
NHTSA provides informational videos about citing and referring medically impaired drivers.
NHTSA’s Walkability Checklist is a checklist to rate your neighborhood’s walkability.
The PennDOT older driver page touches on older driver safety tips, warning signs for when older drivers should limit their driving, older driver videos, a mature driving improvement course, and alternative transportation options.
NHTSA is raising awareness about the dangers associated with not wearing a seat belt and convincing these unbelted occupants to buckle up.
Today, Many grandparents are their grandchildren's caretakers and may be responsible for correctly installing and using car seats.
Whether you are stepping out to exercise, run errands, or both, make sure you maintain your safety while enjoying the health benefits of walking.
Helpful driving tips for older road users about how to prepare for driving in the winter months. Whether it's snow, sleet, or ice, winter weather can cause extremely dangerous road conditions.
Lo guía a través de los pasos para desarrollar su plan de transporte.
Proporciona información sobre el papel de los especialistas en rehabilitación de conductores, cómo realizan las evaluaciones y qué hacer con los resultados de las evaluaciones.
Proporciona enlaces a varias herramientas gratuitas disponibles para pacientes mayores, sus familiares y cuidadores para identificar a los conductores mayores en riesgo.