Commit to Older Driver Safety

You hold the keys for improving traffic safety! In support of Older Driver Safety Awareness Week, the ChORUS form, Commit to Older Driver Safety, encourages those who support older drivers to spread the message about the importance of older driver safety.

How it works

Read the commitment below, fill out the form, and receive your personal older driver safety digital decal to add to your email signature, social media, and anywhere else you want to promote older driver safety.

Commit to:

  • Understanding and promoting awareness of the impact aging has on driving.
  • Encouraging older drivers to learn ways to be proactive about maintaining safe driving skills.
  • Sharing the importance of identifying changes early and intervening when necessary. This will help older drivers, and other road users, remain safe on the road.
  • Motivating older drivers to plan for safe mobility beyond the driver’s seat.


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