ChORUS Blog & News

woman helping man out of a car

In 2021, there were 55.8 million people—17 percent of the total U.S. population—who were 65 and older.

Image of the Roadway Safety Foundation logo

This Older Americans Month, the Roadway Safety Foundation (RSF) is taking the opportunity to shine a light on an often overlooked but crucial component of pr

Image of a white cassette tape with "Walk This Way" written on it. The tape is sitting on an orange table.
Walk This Way 05/02/2024

Walk this Way (Run DMC w/Aerosmith) – While I can’t remember when or why it started, I am a walke

A white cassette tape with "Story of my Life" written in black text. The tape is sitting on an orange table.

Story of my Life (One Direction) – We all have a story to tell – about personal or professional experiences or even some that cross between the two.

Older woman handing younger woman car keys

Improving road safety for older adults begins with a conversation--the key is to have the conversation early before a crisis emerges that may affect one’s ability to drive safely.

A passenger and a driver are wearing seatbelts and smiling from the interior of a car.

January 22 – 28 is National Passenger Safety Week.

clock moving forward surrounded by fall leaves

The end of Daylight Savings Time is fast approaching. When the clocks are set back one hour, we gain an hour of sleep but the days continue to grow shorter.

older adult hugging his grandkid

Dear Grandparents,

A road in the summer time. There are clouds in the sky and the road is empty.

Life after retirement is wide open, just like the road that may be calling to you.

ChORUS logo and Check-to-Protect logo side by side.

Each year, more and more vehicle safety features and driver assistance technologies are added to new vehicle models that enhance the safety of the older driver