Jane's Mix Track 1 - Riding Along in my Automobile

Cassette tape with "Jane's Mix" written on the title line

This blog features guest Jane, 65, from Connecticut, and her experience as an older road user (as well as her pick in playlist). Read about her story below. 

I’ve always thought of myself as a safe driver. I can’t remember the last time I got stopped for an infraction and the last time I was in a crash was 28 years ago when someone backed into me in a parking lot.  Recently though, I have started to notice changes.  I turned 65 in November, am active, healthy, and take no medications (knock on wood), but over the last couple of years I have found that driving at night, and especially at night in the rain, can be tough.  I just don’t see things as clearly as I used to.  I came across some yellow lensed glasses though that I can use to combat the issues I face when looking into the headlights of oncoming traffic and I have learned a lot to help me as I age through the Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety (ChORUS) https://www.roadsafeseniors.org/.

ChORUS opened my eyes to a number of things I hadn’t thought about before.  First and foremost is the importance of planning ahead.  I am nowhere near crisis mode, so as I learn more about how changing medical conditions, medications, and the aging process impact my safety on the road, I have time to plan for the day when I may need to limit or change my driving habits or give up the keys.  ChORUS made me more aware of the various safety features I should look for when I recently purchased a new car so that I not only made sure I had those features but learned how to use them. 

At some point, if I need an evaluation of my driving or to learn more about adaptive devices that I can use to continue to drive safely, I know that ChORUS will be there to help me.  I’ve started using the ChORUS Transportation Planning tool to take me through the steps, I know how to use Uber/Lyft, am learning about transportation options in my small town, and used the budgeting tool to layout what I will need in the future to maintain my active, independent lifestyle.  Until then, I will keep “Riding Along in my Automobile” (Chuck Berry) exploring the world around me with day trips and adventures.

Jane, 65, Connecticut (and across New England)