As we age, we may experience changes in our mobility. there are many reasons for these changes including changes to gait (how we walk) balance, and physical strength. NIA researchers are testing ways to prevent or reverse loss of mobility.
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To start, enter a keyword or phrase to find library resources of interest and select “Apply”. Your search results will appear. To filter your results, select one or more filter options from the filter categories (i.e., Audience, Type, Source, etc.). You can choose one or more filters from one or more categories. If you select more than one filter, resources will appear for both of your choices. For example, if you select Individuals and Law Enforcement as Audiences and Screening and Testing as a Topic you will yield a list of all screening and testing materials associated with both audiences.
Maintaining mobility and preventing disability are key to living independently as we age — National (11/30/2020)
Source: Nonprofit OrganizationLaw Enforcement Visor Card — National (11/24/2020)
Source: ExpertThe Driver Orientation Screen for Cognitive Impairment DOSCI is a short questionnaire for officers to screen for cognitive impairments.
Evaluation of Naturalistic Driving Behavior Using In-Vehicle Monitoring Technology in Preclinical and Early Alzheimer’s Disease — National (10/27/2020)
Source: ExpertCognitive impairment is a significant risk factor for hazardous driving among older drivers with Alzheimer’s dementia; little is known about how the driving habits of mild symptoms compare.
Preguntas para pacientes que son conductores mayores — National (10/23/2020)
Source: ExpertProporciona ejemplos de preguntas que un médico puede hacer a sus pacientes para determinar si tienen dificultades para conducir.
ChORUS Older Patient Questionnaire — National (10/23/2020)
Source: US Department of TransportationProvides sample questions that a clinician can ask their patients to determine if they are having difficulties driving.
Can You Drive After A Stroke? Safety Considerations and Rehab Techniques — National (10/16/2020)
Source: Professional AssociationDriving after a stroke is a complex issue because everyone has different secondary effects of stroke. Learn what signed to look for when determining if you can drive again after stroke.
ChORUS Transportation Budgeting Tool — Arizona (10/16/2020)
Source: For Profit OrganizationThe ChORUS Transportation Budgeting Tool allows you to compare your monthly current transportation costs with estimated monthly alternate transportation costs if you were to give up your car. The tool is designed to help you plan for your future transportation needs.
Planifi cación del transporte para con ductores mayores — National (10/09/2020)
Source: US Department of TransportationLo guía a través de los pasos para desarrollar su plan de transporte.
¿Qué esperar cuando se lo/la deriva a un especialista en rehabilitación de conductores? — National (10/09/2020)
Source: US Department of TransportationProporciona información sobre el papel de los especialistas en rehabilitación de conductores, cómo realizan las evaluaciones y qué hacer con los resultados de las evaluaciones.
Herramientas para la autoevaluación y la calificación del cuidador — National (10/09/2020)
Source: US Department of TransportationProporciona enlaces a varias herramientas gratuitas disponibles para pacientes mayores, sus familiares y cuidadores para identificar a los conductores mayores en riesgo.