The Georgia Department of Public Health's 55+ Driver Safety Program hosted a series of presentations focused on aging road users. Here is the presentation recording of "Guidelines for Older Driver Safety for State & Local Roadways"
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Guidelines for Older Driver Safety for State & Local Roadways | Raging Aging Symposium — National (01/10/2022)
Source: For Profit OrganizationGrant Awarded to Help Highway Safety Initiatives Across N.C — North Carolina (11/03/2021)
Source: Nonprofit OrganizationMore than $18 million in grants is being awarded to support state and local transportation safety initiatives, the North Carolina Department of Transportation announced.
Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population — National (06/01/2014)
Source: US Department of TransportationThis 3rd Edition of FHWA's popular resource for selecting proven crash countermeasures that protect older adults covers 51 treatment options, including their rationale for inclusion and a guide for selecting projects using the Handbook.
Keeping Delaware Drivers Safe and Mobile — Delaware (04/16/2014)
Source: Nonprofit OrganizationThis video explores how the Delaware Department of Transportation has successfully improved safety for all road users by focusing on the needs of older drivers. Many of the successful strategies highlighted could be replicated elsewhere.
NCHRP Vol. 9 Report 500 — National (04/08/2009)
Source: ExpertThis report of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program/Transportation Research Board provides a comprehensive guide to reducing crashes involving older drivers, and details effective engineering solutions and relative costs.
Pedestrian Signal Safety for Older Persons — National (06/01/2003)
Source: Nonprofit OrganizationThis report from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety studied the walking speed of older pedestrians, and suggested ways to improve signal timing to improve safety while not increasing congestion.
A Pocket Guide to Improve Traffic Control and Mobility for Our Older Population — National (01/01/2003)
Source: State Agency/ProgramThis pocket guide helps transportation professionals consider the needs of an aging population and covers three key areas -- intersections/interchanges, curves, and temporary traffic control situations (e.g., workzones).
Providing Options to Rural Older Adults — National
Source: Nonprofit OrganizationFor older adults living in rural communities, the challenge of aging in place is often magnified. What specific programs and policies have proven successful and could be replicated?
Highway Safety Improvement Program Special Rules — National
Source: US Department of TransportationThe Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Pub. L. 117-58, also known as the "Bipartisan Infrastructure Law" (BIL)), was signed into law on November 15, 2021. Among other things, the BIL established a new Special Rule under the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) under section 148 of title 23 of the United States Code (U.S.C.) for vulnerable road user (VRU) safety and continued the two existing special rules for High-Risk Rural Roads (HRRR) and Older Drivers and Pedestrians without change. The VRU Special Rule is part of a larger focus on non-motorist safety that includes a new requirement for States to complete VRU safety assessments (23 U.S.C. 148(l)).
National Center for Road Safety Webinar Archive — National
Source: Expert