ChORUS Blog & News

Older man sitting on the bus with rain on his coat

We've all heard the saying, "April showers bring May flowers." But the change in seasons can also bring unpredictable weather and extra challenges when driving a car.

Driver playing with the Radio while driving

Today we are surrounded by so many distractions on and off the road. While most older road users aren’t distracted by their cell phones there are other aspects of life and driving that can be distracting.

older man looking at a doctor on an iPad screen

Happy Physicians Week! Over the last year, we have relied on healthcare workers more than ever before. This week and every week, we thank you for all you have done for our community.

Tire on the road.

As we continue through Senior Independence Month, it is important to remember that you don’t have to plan your transportation alone. Your family and friends, and of course, ChORUS, are here to help you.

Woman giving her keys to a family member.

Starting the conversation with an older loved one about safe driving is an important first step toward maintaining safety while remaining active in the community.