As a law enforcement professional, you’re on the front line of finding at-risk older drivers on the road. ChORUS can equip you with the knowledge, tools, and resources to improve older driver safety in your communities.
- Become familiar with assessment tools, developed specifically for law enforcement officers, to identify drivers that might benefit from a referral.
- Know the signs to refer a medically at-risk driver for a medical review or other support.
- Learn about your state’s medical review process and refer at-risk drivers. This process does not always result in a driver losing their driver’s license. Instead, it can start that driver on the path to changing driving behaviors to improve their traffic safety while driving.
- Refer family members and caregivers who are concerned about an older driver’s safety to ChORUS, where they can access resources.
- Participate in community outreach activities to educate older adults, family members, and caregivers about the importance of older road user safety and the ChORUS resources.